3 Reasons Why You Are A Product Of Your Environment


3 Reasons Why You Are A Product Of Your Environment
Do you dream of achieving more, but never quite seem to be able to make anything work? 

Have you considered that it may be to do with the environment in which you have placed yourself, and you have simply become a product of your environment?

In a hurry? Listen on the go!


As human beings, we like to think that we are in complete control of our lives and our destinies. However, the truth is that we are all products of our environment.

The environment that we are exposed to shapes who we are, what we think, and what we do.

Whilst we all do have the ability to take control, change our environment and adjust our levels of success, most people are happy to carry on with their average lives, too afraid to step away from the flock in search of something better.

In this article, we will explore three reasons why you are a product of your environment and how to use this knowledge to improve your chances of success.

1. You Are Being Programmed Wrong

You Are Being Programmed Wrong to become a product of your environment

From the moment we are born, we are exposed to various stimuli that shape our perceptions and beliefs. Our parents, caregivers, and the people around us play a significant role in determining what we believe to be true about the world.

For example, if you grow up in a household where education is highly valued, you are more likely to pursue academic success. On the other hand, if you grow up in a household where education is not valued, you may not see the value in pursuing higher education.

The same principle applies to other areas of our lives as well. Our beliefs about money, success, relationships and health are all shaped by our environment.

If you grew up in a household where money was tight, you may have developed a scarcity mindset that affects your relationship with money today. Or, if you grew up in a household where money was plentiful, you may have developed an abundance mindset that affects your relationship with money today.

The video below, which is a TEDx talk by Paul Gleeson, expands on this further with Paul talking about how he learned the importance of having the right environment from rowing across the Atlantic Ocean - well worth a watch!

The point is, we learn about the world through the eyes of the environment in which we are placed (hence you become a product of your environment), and while you may not have had much of a say about your early environment, as an adult, you need to take responsibility for where you find yourself.

If you choose to spend your time around dead-beat, no-hope slackers who just want to ‘party’ or play on the computer all day, or [insert any other non-productive time wasting habit], then sure enough you are allowing yourself to be programmed that way and you will be just like them.

If you want more, you need to put yourself in a better environment, surround yourself with ambitious and successful people with goals and aspirations that will challenge you to become a better version of yourself.

2. Environment Trumps Intention

Environment Trumps Intention

No matter how good your intentions are, you will never out-grow your environment. This is the law of conformity.

We are wired to conform to the norms and expectations of the people around us. If you are surrounded by people who have low expectations of themselves and you, it's difficult to break out of that cycle and achieve success.

Despite your best intentions to better yourself, the people around you will constantly pull you down, like crabs in a bucket, pulling back the one that tries to escape so it can die with the rest of them.

For example, if you want to start your own business, but all your friends and family members are employed by someone else, it can be challenging to break out of that mould and pursue entrepreneurship. On the other hand, if you are surrounded by entrepreneurs who have achieved success, it's much easier to see yourself doing the same.

The key takeaway here is that if you want to achieve success, you need to surround yourself with people who have achieved what you want to achieve.

This doesn't mean that you need to abandon your old friends and family members. Instead, it means that you need to be intentional about who you spend your time with and seek out mentors and role models who can help you achieve your goals.

If you are going to be a product of your environment, then best improve your surroundings if you want a good quality end product!

3. Your Environment Shapes Your Habits

Your Environment Shapes Your Habits

Our habits are the building blocks of our lives. They determine how we spend our time, what we achieve, and ultimately, who we become.

Our environment plays a significant role in shaping our habits. For example, if you work in an office where everyone takes a coffee break at 10 am, it's likely that you will start taking a coffee break at 10 am too, even if you didn't do so before – just so you fit in.

Likewise, if you surround yourself with people who prioritize health and fitness, it's more likely that you will develop healthy habits too. But, if you surround yourself with people who prioritize partying and drinking, it's more likely that you will develop unhealthy habits instead.

If you want to develop healthy habits that will lead to success, you need to be intentional about the environment you create for yourself.

Surround yourself with people who have the same or similar habits and goals as you do. For example, if you want to start exercising regularly, join a gym or create a home workout space that is inviting and motivating. If you are looking to start a business or learn a skill, take courses and attend networking events and seminars to meet other people with similar interests.

Tips for Improving Your Environment for Success

Now that we have explained why you are a product of your environment, let's discuss some tips for improving your environment and increasing your chance of achieving success.

Surround yourself with positive influences

Seek out people who have achieved what you want to achieve and spend time with them. This can be in-person or virtually through books, podcasts, and social media. Let go of negative people in your life that drain your energy and aren’t helping you to grow.

Create a supportive physical environment

Make your home, workspace, and social spaces conducive to your goals. This could mean decluttering, adding motivational quotes or images, or creating a dedicated workspace for your side hustle.

Monitor your media consumption

Be mindful of the music, news, TV shows, and social media accounts that you follow. These can all shape your perceptions and beliefs. Choose media that supports your goals and values.

Learn new things

Exposure to new ideas and experiences can help you break out of old patterns and develop new habits. Take courses, attend workshops, and read books that challenge your thinking and broaden your perspective.


You are a product of your environment.

The environment you are exposed to shapes your perceptions, beliefs, habits, and ultimately, your chances of success. However, you are not powerless.

By being intentional about the environment you create for yourself, you can improve your chances of success.

Surround yourself with positive influences, create a supportive physical environment, monitor your media consumption, and learn new things. By doing so, you can take control of your programming and create the life you want.

As the famous quote by Jim Rohn goes, "You are the average of the five people you choose to spend the most time with." Choose wisely.


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